Avoiding the Blending-in Trap: How to Differentiate Your Brand in a Crowded Market

Discover how a strong brand can help your small business gain credibility and respect in your industry. In this post, we highlight the importance of consistent branding, a professional website, high-quality product images, testimonials and reviews, a

When I was in college, I vividly remember a sunny day on the University of Minnesota campus mall, sitting down to read a book with a bright purple cover called "Purple Cow" by Seth Godin.

If you haven’t read the book, a” Purple Cow” is something that is so remarkable and different that people can't help but talk about it. To create a Purple Cow product, you need to do something that breaks the mold and stands out in a unique way. 

As I dove into the book, I was struck by his ideas on creating a remarkable brand. As a graphic designer, I knew I found something that would impact every design I created from then forward! 

Seth emphasized the importance of standing out from the herd, and not just creating something "good enough" or "just like everyone else." This resonated with me, and I realized that these ideas weren't just applicable to the world of design and marketing, but to all aspects of life.

If you’re a creative entrepreneur, Godin's ideas are especially relevant. With platforms like TikTok inspiring millions to start their own business, it's easy to blend in and fade away into the background. But by creating a remarkable brand that is worth remarking about, you can differentiate yourself and capture the attention of your target audience. 

So how can you create a remarkable brand that sets you apart from your competitors? Honestly, it seems kind of overwhelming!

It all starts with understanding what makes their brand different and special. Whether it's a unique mission, set of values, or product offering, you need to focus on what sets them apart and communicate that effectively through your branding and messaging.

Let’s dive into why it’s so important to craft a memorable brand.

Why is blending in bad for your brand?

You become forgettable

When you blend in with the crowd, you become just another generic brand that's easily forgettable. People are bombarded with marketing messages every day, and if your brand doesn't stand out, it's unlikely to stick in their minds.

Make your brand memorable by creating a unique visual identity that reflects your brand's personality and values. In a sea of sameness, design is a tool that can be used to differentiate yourself from the pack. Think of the store brands at Target, for example. The bright and high-quality design of Good & Gather products sets them apart and competes directly with the better-known brand names. 

You attract price-sensitive customers.

Talk about a race to the bottom. When you blend in with the crowd, the only way you can differentiate yourself from the competition is through price. This attracts customers who are solely focused on getting the cheapest deal, and who are unlikely to be loyal to your brand. As you focus on growing your business, it’s important to attract the right audience and this isn’t really the one you should have your eye on! This is something I saw all the time on Etsy, with digital downloads selling for as little as $1 per item. 

Instead of competing on price, focus on creating a unique value proposition that sets your brand apart from the competition. Highlight the benefits of your product or service, and focus on building relationships with customers based on shared values and beliefs.

You lose out on potential revenue

When you blend in with the crowd, you limit your potential revenue because you're not attracting your ideal customers. Your brand message may not resonate with the people who are most likely to buy from you, and you may be missing out on sales as a result. By standing out from the crowd, you'll attract more of your ideal customers and generate more revenue.

Use language and imagery that resonates with your ideal customer’s values and interests, and focus your marketing efforts on reaching this specific audience. Start paying attention to this when you see commercials or get ads. Every little detail of the photo is crafted with the ideal customer in mind, from the type of cardigan the model is wearing to the objects that decorate the shelves in the background. 

TOMs shoes is a great example of attracting your ideal customers. Their "one for one" business model, which donates a pair of shoes to someone in need for every pair purchased, sets them apart from other shoe brands. They were able to differentiate themselves from all the other shoe companies and connect with an audience who were interested in a brand with a strong social purpose. This contributed to their overall brand image in a positive way and helped impact their growth. 

Discover how a strong brand can help your small business gain credibility and respect in your industry. In this post, we highlight the importance of consistent branding, a professional website, high-quality product images, testimonials and reviews, a

Conclusion: Avoiding the Blending-in Trap: How to Differentiate Your Brand in a Crowded Market

In today's crowded market, blending in is one of the worst things you can do for your business. By avoiding the pitfalls of blending in and focusing on creating a strong and strategic brand that sets you apart, you can attract your ideal clients and stand out in a crowded market.


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