How to Create a Professional Media Kit for Influencers

How to Create a Professional Media Kit for Influencers

It seems like just about everyone is an influencer these days, which means there’s an increase in competition to get paid brand work. One of the tools you can use to stand out and share your rates and metrics is a professional media kit. Let’s dive in and learn a bit about them.

What is a media kit (or press kit) for influencers?

A media kit, also known as a press kit, is a document you send to companies (or people in general) to convince them to work with you. It's essentially an introduction and advertisement for your brand: what you do, who you reach, and why they should care about working with you. If you're an influencer this is one of the first things people will look at when they consider doing business with you.

A press kit for influencers is essentially a digital version of the same thing. The main difference is that it's designed specifically for people who don't work at traditional publications but still want exposure from their social following (e.g., bloggers).


Do I need a media kit?

From 2020 to 2022, influencer rates have risen 45% due to increased transparency amongst creators and increased demand in the market for influencers. Annelise Campbell, CEO of Campbell Francis group says “That transparency can be a double-edged sword, according to Campbell, who told us she’s seen some influencers go into brand deals without concrete reasons to explain how they’re setting their rates for their content.” Source: Morning Brew Newsletter, 06/09/22

This means that if you're considering becoming an influencer, or if you already are one and want to get paid for your work, then a media kit will be an essential tool in backing up the rates that you charge. A good media kit can also help you find new opportunities as well as ensure that you get paid for the work that you do. The design of your media kit can help you showcase your brand and differentiate yourself in the crowded influencer market.

Some brands don’t require a media kit and may allow you to simply enter your information into an intake form on their site. However, I always like to remind people that a media kit is a valuable tool in helping build new relationships. A professionally designed one-page kit for a brand to look over is a great addition to any pitch you might send.

How do I create a media kit?

You can create one yourself or opt for any of my pre-made Canva templates to save a bit of time. If you go the DIY route, you can use a number of tools including Microsoft Word, Google Docs, Canva, Illustrator, and more. Being that brands are often more visual, I recommend choosing a more design-oriented tool like Canva rather than a word processor. The good news is that almost all of these tools are free to use!

What should an influencer media kit include?

A media kit is a professional portfolio of your work that highlights your strengths and serves as a reference point for brands looking to hire influencers. It should include:

  • Your contact information (name, social handles, a short bio)

  • Your platform metrics, particularly:

    • Engagement

    • Demographics

  • How many followers you have on the platforms you create for

  • Your previous partnerships with clients/brands or samples of your work. Photos that capture your aesthetic work well here.

I hope you enjoyed learning how to create your own media kit as an influencer. If there’s one thing we want you to take away from this article, it’s that having a great media kit is essential for any influencer looking to get noticed by brands or advertisers. It can be the difference between getting a brand deal or losing out on one, so don’t skimp on creating yours! The more professional and detailed you make it, the better chance you have of landing that big campaign with your dream brand.

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