The Best Free Serif and Sans Serif Canva Fonts That Go Together
Let me guess: you’ve scrolled back and forth through the 100s of font options on Canva and have text boxes scattered all over your page.
If you’re looking for a serif and sans serif Canva font combo that just looks GOOD—you’re in the right spot.
Finding the perfect font pairing can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be! I’ll even show you how to choose font pairings that complement each other so you can take your brand to the next level.
If you’re looking for a specific Canva font, you may find these articles on my site helpful:
Why is font pairing so important?
Did you know it takes just 1/10th of a second for people to form an opinion about your website?
Visual cues are SO important to your brand’s success and typography is a big part of that.
A well-crafted font pairing can elevate your design, making it look more professional and polished. The wrong font combination, on the other hand, can make your design look unbalanced and unprofessional.
Consider this example
Imagine Chanel No. 5 using Comic Sans for a second. That just wouldn’t work! Chanel No. 5 is a luxury product and their branding supports it. They’ve chosen modern and refined typography on their packaging that reflects their brand values.
Design cues help signal whether or not someone should trust you, how much they’re willing to pay, and how memorable your brand is. I’d say that’s important!
How to choose Canva fonts that go together
Choosing the right fonts for your Canva design can be a challenging task, but by following a few guidelines, you can create font pairings that complement each other.
Consider the contrast to create visual hierarchy
When pairing fonts, it's important to consider the contrast between the fonts. For example, pairing a bold font with a thin font will create a visual hierarchy and make the text more legible.
Try to use no more than 3 fonts
Using more than 3 fonts in a design can make it look cluttered and unbalanced. Try to limit your design to 2-3 fonts, it will make your design look more polished and professional.
In a digital environment, readability reigns supreme
Calligraphy may work on a wedding invite, but not so much for a blog post. It’s super important to ensure that all of the content you put out into the world is legible. This means paying attention to color contrast and not choosing a font that’s too thin or a delicate loopy style like calligraphy.
Free Serif and Sans-Serif Canva Font Pairings
One of the most popular (and visually interesting) font pairing styles is to use a serif font for headlines and a sans-serif font for body text. This creates a clear visual hierarchy and makes the text easy to read. Read on for the full list and check out the images for design inspiration!
Libre Baskerville and Source Sans Pro
The Seasons and Hero
Rufina and Garet
Ovo and Montserrat
Noto Serif and Noto Sans
Migra Extrabold and BD Sans
EB Garamond and Nunito
Chunk Five and Aileron Regular
Playfair Display and Glacial Indifference
Lovelace and Rugrats Sans
DM Serif and Source Sans Pro
Sorts Mill Goudy and Lexend Deca
Elika Gorika and Roboto Mono Light
Lora and Nunito
Abril Fatface and Josefin Sans
Cyrillic Bodoni and Raleway
Volkhorn Semibold and Poppins
Corben and Garet Book
Bitter and Aileron Regular
Fraunces Semibold and TT Commons Pro
Coustard and Red Hat Display
New Standard and Prachason Neue Semi Expanded
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Conclusion: The Best Free Serif and Sans Serif Canva Fonts That Go Together
Font pairing is an essential aspect of design that can make or break your brand message. Don't be afraid to play around with different Canva font parings to find the combo that works best for you!
This list of Canva fonts that go together includes a ton of flexible sans serif font choices that would be a great pair to a ton of another font styles as well, so use it as a starting point for inspiration! What style of Canva font combos are looking for? Let me know in the comments below so I can add it to my list!