Kick Procrastination to the Curb: 5 Strategies for Starting Your Etsy Shop (and Sticking With It!)

Have you been daydreaming about starting an Etsy shop but find yourself stuck in a cycle of "tomorrow-I'll-do-it"s? I’ve been there! This post is packed with 5 powerful strategies to help you kick procrastination to the curb and finally start your Etsy shop.

And if you’re looking for more resources on starting an Etsy shop sign up for my free guide, 10 Strategies to Create an Irresistible Digital Product or check out these articles on my blog:

60+ Profitable Ideas for Digital Products to Sell by Niche

5 Things You Need for an Amazing Digital Product

5 Simple Mistakes to Avoid When Creating a Digital Produc

Here are 5 effective strategies to overcome procrastination and take concrete steps toward starting your Etsy shop:

1.  Set SMART Goals & Break Them Down:

Vague goals like "open an Etsy shop" are breeding grounds for procrastination. Instead, set SMART goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

For example, instead of "open an Etsy shop," a SMART goal could be: "List 10 unique handmade jewelry items on my Etsy shop by [date]."

Feeling overwhelmed by a long to-do list? Break down your goals into smaller, more manageable tasks. Chunk your list into daily or weekly action steps that feel more manageable. This could include tasks like:

Researching Etsy shop policies and fees

  • Deciding your shop name.

  • Registering your shop on Etsy. 

  • Uploading a profile photo.

  • Setting up your shop policies.

  • Adding info in the “about section”

  • Spending 15 minutes checking out competitors.

  • Familiarize yourself with how to use Canva effectively. 

  • Learn how to use Canva to create mockups.

  • Research different SEO tools like Marmalead or eRank.

The tasks above aren’t just an example, either! It would be the perfect list of 10 tasks to get your feet wet on Etsy.

2. Schedule Time & Batch Similar Tasks:

Treat your Etsy shop like a real business! Block out dedicated time in your calendar for shop tasks, just like you would schedule important meetings. This creates structure and helps you avoid procrastination.

Here's another productivity booster: batch similar tasks together. Dedicate a specific time slot to creating product mages, writing descriptions, or working on your marketing strategy. Batching tasks helps you stay focused and maximizes your efficiency.

I also recommend seeking out ways to create efficiencies and lessen the burden of tasks on yourself. Some ideas I’ve implemented are:

  • Paying for a social media scheduling tool so I can batch-schedule my content. Bonus: if you use Later, you can add it as an app in Canva to sync directly to the app instead of saving your content and uploading it manually. 

  • Reusing the same image mockup templates for my Etsy listings and making sure my Canva account stays organized.

  • Upgrading to Canva Pro so I can save time finding nice imagery for my mockups and social media content. 

3. Identify Your Procrastination Triggers & Find Alternatives:

We all have our procrastination triggers. Maybe it's social media, the allure of that extra episode on your favorite show, or the fear of making mistakes. Recognize your triggers and develop healthy alternatives.

I’ve learned that while it’s super comfy (and hard to avoid in Minnesota winters) working on the couch under my heated blanket isn’t setting myself up for success. Similarly, I’ve noticed if I sit down at my computer without a predetermined plan I’ll probably just push pixels around and peruse Instagram. Identify what your pain points are and set yourself up for success. 

Feeling overwhelmed? Take a quick walk or do some stretches instead of getting lost in a social media scroll. Identify what works for you and replace procrastination habits with productive actions.

Here are some additional tips to combat procrastination triggers:

  • Turn off notifications on your phone and computer while you're working on your Etsy shop.

  • Use website blockers to limit your access to distracting websites during designated work times. I often use a Pomodoro timer if I’m having a hard time focusing.

  • Reward yourself for completing tasks to create positive reinforcement and stay motivated.

4. Embrace the Power of "Just Do It":

Sometimes, the best way to overcome procrastination is to simply take action, even if it's a small step. There will be days where my entire life is crazy and I don't have the time to sit down and do a big task, but I can do 15 minutes of something easy like scheduling Pinterest pins or optimizing my Instagram bio. Start with a 15-minute burst of focused work and see how much you can accomplish.

The "Just Do It" approach can also help you overcome perfectionism, another common hurdle for aspiring Etsy shop owners. Don't get bogged down trying to make everything perfect before you launch. Get your shop up and running with a core set of products, and refine things based on customer feedback.

5. Reward Yourself & Celebrate Milestones:

Positive reinforcement is key! Set milestones for your Etsy shop journey and reward yourself for reaching them. Did you list your first five products? Treat yourself to a celebratory coffee.  Reaching milestones, big or small, will keep you motivated and focused on starting your Etsy shop.

Bonus Tip: Find Your Support System!

Surround yourself with positive, action-oriented people who believe in your dream. Join online Etsy seller communities or find a local business buddy to keep you accountable and motivated. There's strength in numbers, and a support system can make a big difference when starting an Etsy shop. Feel free to say hello on Instagram or TikTok if you need someone to hype you up! 

Conclusion: Kick Procrastination to the Curb: 5 Strategies for Starting Your Etsy Shop (and Sticking With It!)

There you have it! With these strategies and a commitment to taking action, you can overcome procrastination and finally launch the Etsy shop you've been dreaming of. Remember, starting an Etsy shop is a journey, and there will be ups and downs along the way. But with dedication, perseverance, and a sprinkle of these tips, you can turn your passion into a thriving business. Now get out there and start creating!


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